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Our Vision for Consulting and Recruiting in 2022

2022 Kick Off Team

It’s no secret the last two years have brought about a lot of change. Everything from where employees work to the rise of a candidate-driven market, we’ve been working hard as a team to smoothly navigate these ever-changing waters.

Being a strong partner — with both clients and candidates — means staying atop of industry trends. But that also means keeping you in the loop of everything we’re doing to support you. Because the changing landscape we’re seeing doesn’t just affect our internal operations. It affects how we partner with you moving forward.

So let’s take a look together at our vision for the coming year — and beyond!


The last two years have been filled with powerful lessons in our industry. The reality is that in a climate that continues to change, in order to stay on top of the game you’ve got to be able to easily shift and find new ways to think outside the box.

Here at ImpactSearch Partners, we’re experiencing a new sense of urgency for our team in how we work to connect clients with the right candidate. With our average time to fill a role being just 30 days, time is of the essence. The best way we’re able to find ideal candidates for each role is through connection.

But that means we have to look at more than what each candidate brings to the table professionally. Understanding who they are, how they best work, and what type of environment supports them being successful helps us determine who could be just the right fit.

It’s not enough to only consider what’s on the resume —  we’ve got to read between the lines. When reviewing experience, approaching each candidate with a level of grace is truly beneficial because we’ve seen an unprecedented amount of job changes — across all industries. 

In the past, seeing gaps in a resume might have brought up some red flags, but in the age of the pandemic, we have to remind ourselves that not all role jumping has been intentional

Those gaps could signal a candidate’s choice to take time off for their own well-being. This shows they are recognizing the importance of whole health and the impact it has on their role in their career. Taking time to care for oneself shouldn’t be criticized; it should be celebrated!

Instead of judgment when seeing sabbaticals or voluntary time off, it’s important to view it through an empathetic lens. It’s how we review our candidates, and it’s how we encourage our clients to, as well.


Because we’re seeing a market that is ever-evolving and will continue to come with challenges, we’re recognizing a shift needs to happen.

Recruiting was commonly seen as simply connecting the right candidate to the right client. But the truth is, it goes so much deeper than that. That’s why we are working even harder than ever on strengthening relationships — both with our clients and candidates — by continuing to approach that connection from a consultant viewpoint. 

With the diverse types and levels of roles we work with, the truth is we’re more a partner or an extension of our clients. It’s not enough to match a client with an opportunity based on career experience alone. We’ve got to create relationships that enable us to see the needs of both clients and candidates to ensure we’ve checked all the boxes in making sure the connection is the right one.

But there’s even more to it than that. Because part of ImpactSearch Partners’ vision is ensuring we build a strong internal culture that helps highlight community, we are taking it a step further. Not just within our internal circles, but the external environment around us. Involvement in the community and giving back is a part of who we are.


To start, we’re advising our clients on what they can be doing to attract the very best talent by designing a candidate journey that truly stands out. Market data helps us consult with them in a way that improves upon what they’re already doing to take things up a notch.

Being able to offer a competitive salary, offering flexibility with titles, and offering more options for remote capabilities enhances the candidate experience internally, which benefits both our clients and candidates greatly.

Whether you’re a client or a candidate, what you do is an extension of who you are. It infiltrates every aspect of your life. Finding the right fit can change everything!


We’re so excited to be starting a new year with a new outlook. One that meets the needs and expectations of our clients, but also connects our candidates with their ideal career.

If you’re as excited as we are to see what’s next for you and want to stay connected to all we’re doing here at ImpactSearch Partners, make sure you’re signed up for our newsletter.

It’s the best way to stay informed so you can prepare for what’s coming next for you in your career!

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