It’s never easy to lose your job. Even when you are part of a companywide layoff, it’s hard not to take it personally. You probably want to get back to work as soon as possible. But it’s important to take some time to step back and create a strategy before you begin firing off resumes. Take your time reaching out to employers or recruiters. Allow yourself to process what you’ve been through before springing into action. You need time to assess where you stand and how you feel financially, mentally and emotionally. By the time you have your first interview, you should be able to discuss your previous employment without being upset or angry.
Review Your Finances
If you received a severance package or are eligible for unemployment, you’ve got some time, so take a deep breath. Look at your expenses and any savings. Can you cut back on any expenses or postpone large purchases? If you are eligible for Cobra, can you schedule any necessary medical appointments before it expires? Do you have alternate sources of income, such as a side job? Spending more time on it can give you a buffer. If you freelance, you can devote more time to those services. If you work as a server on the weekend, let them know you’ll have increased availability for a while.
Make Time For Yourself
This is the time to figure out what you liked about your last job and what you would prefer to avoid. Being out of work is stressful. Take care of yourself mentally and physically. Do more of what works for you, or try something new. Journal, meditate, go for a walk or train for a marathon. Spend time with family or friends.
Reach out to Your Network
Everyone you know should know you’re out of work. Networking is one of the best ways to find a new job. Update your LinkedIn Profile and indicate you are open to work so recruiters will reach out. Carefully examine job descriptions in your field to ensure you’re using the right keywords.
Track your Progress
Create a schedule for your job search. It doesn’t have to be rigid, but you should be moving forward every day, while taking time for yourself and considering your finances. Choose a system you know you will use. There are many web programs and mobile apps you can use, but there is nothing wrong with a legal pad on a clipboard if you know you will keep it up to date. You’ll be surprised how many contacts you’ll make and how hard it can be to keep track of them all.
Work with a Consultative Recruiter
Whether you want a temporary or contract position to fill the income gap or want assistance to find a full-time job, working with a recruiter can make it easier. They can review your resume and make suggestions to make it more eye-catching. They can help you prepare for interviews. One of the most helpful things about working with a recruiter is you can be completely honest with them.
Stay professional, but you can say, “I don’t do well with micro-managers,” or “I prefer a lot of feedback,” for example. It will help them know which jobs will be the right fit. They can also give you feedback after an employer interview so you know how you performed. How often have you heard, “we went with a more qualified candidate,” or worse, hear nothing at all?
You might get specific feedback like “we need more of an extrovert for this position” or “we’re looking for someone with this specific experience.” It’s helpful to know because what if you had toned your personality down because you thought you would appear more professional or didn’t bring up qualifications you didn’t know would be relevant?
Another advantage to working with a recruiter is some employers only hire through recruiters. They are also the route for contract-to-hire jobs, where you can prove yourself on the job and see if the opportunity or company is right for you.
It’s essential to surround yourself with positive people who care about your well-being and can help you move forward, like ImpactSearch Partners!