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Courtney Tyrell Headshot

Courtney Tyrrell

Executive Recruiter

Impact Search Partners is excited to have Courtney and her unique background and experience on the team. A graduate of Samford University with a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and Mass Communication and a Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Courtney began her career as a pediatric inpatient nurse before transitioning to the wellness sector, working for a fast-paced, growing national wellness company. There she had the opportunity to consult, coach, and use her creativity as a nurse educator.

Courtney’s varied background and experience fuels her love for helping people be their best selves and has provided her with significant healthcare knowledge relevant to many of the positions for which she recruits. Bringing her passion to Impact Search Partners affords Courtney the opportunity to develop intentional relationships, utilize and grow her network, and ultimately help people find work they are excited about.

Courtney resides north of Atlanta and in her free time can be found spending time outside with her growing family, exercising, learning about health and wellness, challenging the status quo, and baking goods from scratch.

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